Monitoring and Visualizing Insurance Producer Performance
Wynsure Sales and Broker Management is a robust sales management tool focused on monitoring and visualizing insurance sales performance. Supporting business growth, marketing, and effective distribution the solution monitors the producer management and compensation function for insurance carriers through mature analytics capabilities.
Wynsure Sales and Broker Management is a part of the Front Office suite. This solution works on top of the CRM and policy admin systems to generate meaningful insights for sales operations and broker (distributor) management. By generating customized reports for tracking and monitoring based on the role of the viewer, and enabling viewers to deep dive into functional processes to identify problem areas, viewers can clearly track the effectiveness of sales efforts, marketing initiatives, and functional modules interacting with the sales process (e.g., quote generation, pricing, and underwriting).
Wynsure Sales and Broker Management enables carriers to manage sales through brokers or agents with in-depth reporting of indirect sales across producers, markets, products, and territories. It provides an analytics window to dynamically monitor sales, track profitability, and identify points of inefficiencies. Beyond sales management, carriers get a view of commissions’ distribution, incentive structure, and ROI across producers/distributors.
Dashboards generated by Wynsure Sales and Broker Management include:
• Insurance sales and broker efficiency
• Revenue and profitability across product portfolios
• Customer/account-based performance
• Role-based reporting
• Sales forecasting
Wynsure Sales and Broker Management track data through the insurance sales process from customer outreach to onboarding. This solution sits between CRM and policy management systems and integrates data from multiple sources across the organization to generate meaningful insights for sales performance. Based on roles, stakeholders get access to important indicators, detailed data across the sales system, and associated functional modules to monitor their impact on overall sales performance. What follows is a functional diagram explaining how this solution interacts with different functional modules across the system.